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Top Eye Doctors for Children in Ahmedabad

As parents we always want the best for our kids be it something as simple as their clothes and toys or something important as finding a doctor for them especially when it’s something so sensitive as their eyes, we go to all extends to get the most proficient and finest people in the field. So we are here to give you the details of the top Children’s Eye Doctors, in Ahmedabad.

Dr. Anuja Desai – Pediatric Ophthalmologist at KD Hospital

With an experience of 11+ years, we have the best to take care of your child’s vision – Dr. Anuja Desai, A specialist in her field with knowledge of the treatment of eye disorders like – cataracts, glaucoma, and strabismus, Dr. Desai is a leading ophthalmologist and a compassionate person who treats your little angels with utmost softness and care.

Dr. Ravish Kinkhabwala – Pediatric Ophthalmologist at Kd Hospital

The next in line we have Dr. Kinkhabwala with an experience of 7+ years, and an expert eye doctor for children’s disorders like – amblyopia, strabismus, and The next in line we have Dr. Kinkhabwala with an experience of 7+ years, and an expert eye doctor for children’s disorders like – amblyopia, strabismus, and refractive errors, he’s not just an accomplished doctor in the field but also a very soft and sympathetic person who has dedicated his knowledge and skills to help your kids get a clear vision.

Dr. Sajani Shah - Pediatric Ophthalmologist at Kd Hospital

The next acclaimed ophthalmologist in Ahmedabad is Dr. Sajani Shah a professional in the treatment of disorders in children like amblyopia, strabismus, and refractive errors, she has a professional demeanour and carries a patient-centric approach while trying to give her best to each and every patient and pays attention towards their inconvenience while giving them a motherly feel.

Dr. Falguni Chudasama - Pediatric Ophthalmologist at Kd Hospital

Working for the past 6 years in the field of ophthalmologist we have a highly recommended doctor for your children- Dr. Falguni Chudasama, her specialization includes disorders in kids like cataracts, glaucoma, and retinopathy of prematurity. She has a compassionate heart and a dedicated persona and cares for her young clients with extreme precision and safety and that is what makes her a trusted and loved choice among the parents.

Dr. Sapan Shah - Pediatric Ophthalmologist at Kd Hospital

Another highly recommended eye specialist for the KD Hospital in Ahmedabad is Dr. Sapan Shah, an erudite in his field, he specializes in the treatment of children, with eye disorders like – lazy eyes, crossed eyes, and refractive errors. Well known amongst parents for the way he treats and handles their kids with safety and precision while making sure that they are not scared and feel comfortable.

Dr. Rinal Patel - Pediatric Ophthalmologist at Kd Hospital

Next, we have Dr. Rinal Patel a highly skilled and known pediatric ophthalmologist from the Sterling Hospital in Ahmedabad with an experience span of over 6+ years in the field and a diagnostician of various eye disorders like amblyopia, strabismus, and refractive errors. A compassionate person who treats all her patients in a detailed approach giving them proper time and care, she also uses the latest techniques and technologies to get the best and most précised results for her patients.

Dr. Rutu Modh – Pediatric Ophthalmologist at Kd Hospital

Our next very trusted pediatric ophthalmologist from the Civil Hospital, Ahmedabad is Dr. Rutu Modh, with experience of over 3+ years, she is a specialist in the diagnosis of vision disorders like cataracts, glaucoma and strabismus. Well-known in the city for her expert advice and gentle approach to children makes her a top choice among parents seeking precision and quality for their kids. Being a committed and professional doctor, she gives each of her patients specific care and attention as per their needs and ensures that their eyes remain in good health.

Dr. Parin Mehta – Pediatric Ophthalmologist at Kd Hospital

Dr. Parin Mehta is a highly respected and in-demand pediatric ophthalmologist who sits at the Shalby Hospital in Ahmedabad, with an experience of more than 2 years, he is an expert eye specialist who diagnoses and treats different types of eye disorders like lazy eye, crossed eye and refractive errors. Well known for his compassionate approach toward children and dedication to his profession he tries to give his best for his little clients. He uses state-of-the-art technology to make sure that his diagnoses are precise and correct and gives special attention to each one of his patients making him a trusted choice for parents looking for an eye care specialist for their children in Ahmedabad.

To conclude, we understand that you want the finest choice for your children and we are here to assist you with our expert recommendations to get the best for your children. Hence, we have arranged the following list based on the experience and specialization of the eye doctors for children, in Ahmedabad..