Educational Qualifications
- M.D. Medicine
- 7+ years of Experience
- Currently working as a full time Internal Medicine Consultant at K.D Hospital, Ahmedabad from Aug 2018 to till date.
- Previously worked as Consultant in Department of Critical Care at Columbia Asia Hospital, Ahmedabad form 12th August 2014 to July 2018
- Worked as ICU Registrar at V.S. Hospital, L.G Hospital and Shardaben Hospital, Ahmedabad.
Publications and Presentations
- Can HbA1c Act as a Surrogate Marker for Cardiovascular Risk? Patel MB, Sachora WM, Pandya AR, Kothari AD, Patel JK. Natl J Community Med 2014; 5(1): 29-32.
- Impact of Counseling on Compliance in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Patients Attending General Medicine Out Patient Department in a Tertiary Care Hospital: A Prospective Study. Patel MB, Patel MN, Sachora WM, Ghodela VA. Natl J Community Med 2013; 4(3): 525-528.
- Pulmonary Complications in Falciparum Malaria Manish B. Patel, Wasimahmed Sachora, Chirag Saparia, International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), Volume 2 Issue 4, April 2013, 544 - 547.
- Myocarditis In Course Of P.Falciparum And P.Vivax Infection:Case Report And Review Of Cardiac Complications In Malaria. IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS), Volume 6, Issue 4 (May.- Jun. 2013), PP 53-55.
- Paper Presentation on Study of 50 cases of Neuropathy in Type II Diabetes Melitus at Mid APGCON at Daman 2013.
- Poster Presentation on A Case Report of Inflammatory Myositis at Mid APGCON 2012.