Educational Qualifications
- MD
- 35+ years of Experience
Technical Skills
- Since 1984, Shailesh Talati has been practicing as an oncologist and hematologist in Ahmedabad.
- He is a pioneer figure in the field of Medical Oncology & is well renowned all over India.
- He has been instrumental in the standardisation of the F.N.A.C. procedure for lung cancer at GCRI, Ahmedabad, which has become the accepted diagnostic method for lung cancer.
- His areas of special interest include management of various conditions such as Sarcoma, Myeloma & lung cancer
- Dr Shailesh Talati is currently working as Senior Consultant Medical Oncologist at KD Hospital, Ahmedabad.
Experiences in Clinical trials
- Phase II trial in triple Receptor negative Breast Cancer Patients
- Phase II multi national, Multicenter GCP trial - Blood and bone marrow cancers.
- Phase III trial in metastatic Pancreatic cancer(2 Study)
- Phase III trial in The Treatment of Bone Metastases in Subjects withAdvanced Cancer or Multiple Myeloma
- Phase III trial in Lung Cancer
- Phase II trial in Metastatic Breast Cancer (3 Study)
- Phase II trial in oral Mucositis
- Phase III trial in CML
- Phase III trial in Metastatic Soft Tissue or Bone Sarcoma
- Phase II trial in Lung cancer
- Phase III trial for the Prevention of Chemotherapy Induced Nausea and Vomiting Associated with Cisplatin Chemotherapy
- Phase III trial in NHL
- Phase III trial in carcinoma of Ovary
- Phase II/III, Multicentre trial in Relapsed CLL
- Phase III, Multicentre trial in CLL
- Phase III, multicentre trial in Myeloma
- Phase III trial in Prostate Cancer.
- Phase III trial in Second line Lung Cancer.
- Phase III trial in Advanced Renal cell carcinoma.
- Trial of prophylaxis of Neutropenia.
- Phase II trial of gastrointestinal stromal tumor.
- Phase III trial of adjuvant Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer.
- Phase III trial of hormone refractory Prostate Cancer.
- Phase II study of Colorectal Cancer
- Phase II study of Extensive stage Small Cell Lung Cancer.