Educational Qualifications
- DNB Gastroenterology
- MD Internal Medicine
- 10+ years of Experience
Technical Skills
- 1. Endoscopy
- Diagnostic upper GI Endoscopy
- Endoscopic Variceal Ligation, Endoscopic Sclerotherapy, Glue injection for fundal varices, Management of ulcer bleed with injection therapy, Hemoclip, Heater Probe Coagulation, Argon plasma coagulation.
- Achalasiacardia dilation
- Dilatation of Benign and Malignant esophageal strictures.
- Nasojejunal tube placement.
- Percutaneous endoscopic Gastrostomy (PEG) placement.
- Sideviewscopy to assess ampulla.
- ERCP therapeutic
- Diagnostic colonoscopy
- Colonoscopic polypectomy
- Management of colonic bleed with injection therapy, heater probe, argon plasma coagulation and hemoclip placement.
- Endoscopic decompression of Sigmoid Volvulus and pseudo-obstruction.
- Metal Stents placement in Oesophagus, Pylorus, Colon, Biliary tree
- 2. Ultrasound
- Ultrasound procedures like ascitic fluid study, liver biopsy, fine needle aspiration of liver, drainage of collections and liver abscess.
- Currently working as Consultant Gastroenterologist at KD Hospital, Ahmedabad, since 2018.
Presentations & Seminars
- Participated in the annual conference of Indian society of Gastroenterology, Kerala chapter in 2016.
- Participated in the annual national conference of Indian society of gastroenterology in 2015.
- Participated in the national conference of INASL in 2014.
- Poster presentation on Solitary Ileal Ulcers and Crohn's Disease in National Conference of IBD at Cochin in 2014.
- Poster presentation on Randomized control trial in Functional Bowel Disorders treatment with Antidepressant and Anxiolytics done at annual conference of Indian society of Gastroenterology in 2015.
- Participated in National conference on POEM at Ahmedabad in 2017.
- Participated in National conference of Gastroenterology, Cochin 2018